Tin Shop Tartan - Randolph County Alabama's Own Snarky and Surly Scot Gets All Native

Blogging from the suburbs of the Tin Shop community, Captain Plaid brings Progressivism, and a share of Quixotic angst, to the ridges and hollows of Randolph County, Alabama. Hardly a booster yet rooted here enough to fight, Plaidsters can perhaps find like cause in trying to build local solutions to global concerns. Education, environment, economy, entertainment, engagement ... Trust the Tartan!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Politically Popular but Fiscally Irresponsible

The Randolph Leader is correct in suggesting the Randolph County jail is filled beyond capacity. They are incorrect in laying all of the blame on Goat Hill. "Most" would pass yet our locally elected District Judge Pat Whaley often loads up our jail in his zeal to show that he is "tough" on crime, especially alcohol offenses. His "community service" policy is frankly draconian and questionable under the 8th Amendment. With Judge Whaley providing labor to his brother-in-law County Engineer Burrel Jones his practice is especially questionable. I agree the Department of Corrections is fully wrong to continue to house state inmates beyond what the law provides yet there is a local component to our problem. I also believe the whole philosophy of conservative solutions to crime is misplaced. Education, opportunities, economics ... will still do much solve our crime solutions. Peace ... or War!