Not to terrify the local lenders and realtors and ... but this
TPMcafe post by Elizabeth Warren might ring true for our area, especially given how Lake Wedowee is such a significant part of our economy. Her
"Warren Reports" effort is a regular read but this post helped me think in some new ways. Ms. Warren wrote of several complicated concepts that now make sense to me, at least as much as I can handle in the "sense" area. We "state school" boys need a little help at times with the heavy lifting.
On my old rolltop I've got an old coffee mug with the following quote:
"Man's mind stretched by a new idea never goes back to its original dimension." - Olver Wendell Holmes
To avoid the squeeze that Reagan and Bu$hCo have wrought I think we'll need all the stretching we can get. Peace ... or War!
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